Lego Videogames Wiki


Larfleeze, also known as Agent Orange, is the leader of the Orange Lantern Corps. This has made him an antagonist to Green Lantern and the Green Lantern Corps. Born on Ogatoo, he became owner of the orange light when he stole its Power Battery from the Guardians. The light's power of avarice affected him, and he began obsessively hoarding things on Okaara.



Larfleeze's token can be found in Need for Greed.

Head down the stairs in the foreground and use a character with the 'sense' ability at the bat swarm to discover an orange plug on the pillar. Grapple it to yank down the pillar and smash its bricks. Interact with the hopping bricks to build an elephant. Now ground slam (attack while in the air) each of the floor panels to raise a pillar. Alternatively, use a large character on each panel. Smash open the pillar for a Character Token.

F13-11 - LB3 F13-12 - LB3

Larfleeze can be bought for 1,000,000 studs.

